The Life Navigator program is a network of trained peer mentors dedicated to empowering our military brothers and sisters along in their transition by being an open ear, a problem solver, a source of knowledge, a role model and a guide to all the right resources.
There are many resources, sources of information and services available in Houston. It can be a daunting task to know where to turn for help or what organizations are reliable. Just like in the military, we emphasize that nothing should be done alone. Navigators are trained to answer questions about the transition process, available resources and benefits for veterans. If a Navigator does not know the answer to a request, they will work with the veteran and the LifeNav team to solve the problem. It is important to note that Navigators are not counselors, social workers, case managers or attorneys. Navigators are volunteer peer mentors who have successfully transitioned from military service to civilian life. We encourage every veteran who has successfully transitioned to become part of this volunteer program to encourage and empower the veterans who follow in their footsteps.
We can help you with the following issues:
Financial Assistance
- Homelessness & Homelessness Prevention
Suicide Prevention
- Education Benefits
Women Veterans
Mental Health Support
Spouse & Caregiver Support
VA Health Claims & Health Care
Keller Williams Signature -Katy has generously funded the LifeNav Program for 2016.